Forum for Youth Wellness ~ Follow up

Thanks to Serenity Madison, Coalition for Nevada County Youth for this information.

Thanks again for your participation at the Forum for Youth Wellness, and thank you to those who have already completed the follow up survey.

We are excited to build on this momentum, so here is a friendly reminder to please complete this follow-up survey.  The summary of the priority needs and opportunities identified from the forum is attached. It is important that you complete the survey, whether you attended the Forum or not, sharing your input and interests so we can continue to move forward in our collaborative focus on wellness for children, youth and families in Nevada County!

Once we receive your survey with input and everyone’s interests, we’ll be following up to propose next steps.

Once again, we would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your participation and desire to support wellness for children, youth & families in our community!

Contact Serenity if you have any questions, Tel: (530) 273-9541 ext. 217.

Link to survey:

Summary of Priorities and Needs: Youth Wellness Needs and Opps