Read to Your Child Event – Volunteers Needed

Thanks to Ned Russell, Got 40 and CSN Board Treasurer for this information.

It’s October, and we are planning for CSN’s great Read To Your Child (RTYC) Halloween Book Giveaway again. We need help from all of our partners for RTYC to be successful, and to get books into the hands of adorable, costumed kids!

: Oct. 31st, 2019
Where: Grass Valley Elks Lodge, 109 S. School St.
Contact:, please include: Your name, telephone number, preferred role and, times you are available
Halloween_Sign-Up Flyer


To see volunteer roles, click here. Shifts include:

  • 6 volunteers for Set-up on Wednesday, October 30 from 5:30-7 pm
  • 6 volunteers for Set-up on Thursday from 9:00-9:45 am
  • 20 volunteers during RTYC from 9:45 am-1:00 pm (including photographers, tour guides, book tables, and book plate tables)
  • 6 volunteers for Clean-up from 1:00-1:45 pm