What We Know About Suicide in the U.S.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

What We Know About Suicide in the U.S.

Someone dies from suicide every 12 minutes—and over the past two decades, suicide rates have increased in every state across the country. For the first time in recent generations, life expectancy is decreasing due to suicide. According to the latest research:

  • There were 1.4 million attempts and more than 47,000 deaths from suicide.
  • Suicide is at its highest level and is still rising.
  • Rural counties are being hit the hardest with suicide rates double the rate in urban counties.
  • There has been an alarming 50% increase of suicide rates among women.

Suicide touches whole communities. Each person who dies by suicide leaves behind 135 people who knew that person—and the impact of suicide and the bereavement that follow.

Read more to learn how to help yourself or someone you know!

Click here to learn how can you be apart of preventing suicide in your Nevada County community!