Virtual Seminar: Nurturing Parenting

Kids don’t come with an instruction manual! Many familiar parenting problems have very simple solutions that can be applies with some effort and focus. Nurturing Parenting is one of the few parenting programs in the world that is based on evidence from clinical research. For more than 35 years, Nurturing Parenting’s easy-to-understand, practical strategies have been shown to help families in all types of situations.

Taught by NCSOS Parenting Specialist Annie Keeling, this 8-week seminar runs from September 15 to November 3, 2020. The seminar will consist of:

  • 7 Live Weekly Zoom Calls (1 hour/wk)
  • Weekly pre-recorded Video Modules teaching philosophies and strategies, available to watch when convenient (approx 2 hours/wk)
  • Weekly handouts and worksheets that support the video materials
  • Weekly evaluations to be filled out after each Module as well as pre- and post- evaluations
  • One-on-one phone calls – introduction and coaching call with the instructor for each family

The seminar is provided free of charge to Nevada County participants through generous county grants.

Seminars usually fill quickly with a waitlist.  If you or someone you know would like to register, click this link: Registration for Fall Seminar

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