Our presenter will be Laura Harter, Coordinator, PARTNERS Family Resource Centers and CSN-CAPC Board member, who will introduce us to Trauma Stewardship, the work of Laura van Dernoot Lipsky. We’ll view a TED talk, followed by interactive activities. We’ll also enjoy a brief mindfulness meditation.
Facilitator: Ned Russell, Got 40? and CSN-CAPC Board Member
Here are relevant documents for the meeting:
Meeting time & location: Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019 ~ 3:30-5pm. Gene Albaugh Community Room at the Madelyn Helling Library, 980 Helling Way in Nevada City, CA 95959.
Info: The Community Support Network (CSN) meets on the first Wednesday of most months (July, August, and December on hiatus), 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Gene Albaugh Community Room of the Madelyn Helling Library, 980 Helling Way in Nevada City. Optional open networking time is at 3:15 p.m. CSN Partners and members of the public are welcome to attend. For more information, contact CSN Coordinator, Susan Sanford, at 530-913-0270 (messages) or csnncorg@gmail.com.