The Prevention and Early Intervention Committee’s Community Pathway

The Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Committee’s Community Pathway Recommendations were voted on and passed unanimously by the Child Welfare Council (CWC), which serves as an advisory body responsible for improving the collaboration and processes of the multiple agencies and the courts that serve the children in the child welfare system. California’s vision for Child, Family and Community Well-Being, centered on equity and social justice and respect for tribal sovereignty, requires an approach that is dependent upon the successful implementation of Comprehensive Prevention Plans (CPPs) that keep children, youth and families out of the child welfare system through supports provided by Family First Prevention Services (FFPS) and other resources. CPPs will be most impactful if they include a Community Pathway that enables parents and families to access culturally derived, appropriate, relevant, and responsive services and supports, that are located in their community, from organizations and community partners they know and trust.
We hope you will take a moment to recognize and celebrate this pivotal moment—not for the PEI Committee—but for the children and families who will be seen and supported in new ways as this work moves forward with unprecedented commitment from state leadership.

If you would like to  review the document outlining the full list of recommendations Click here.