Suicide Prevention Week 2020

#SuicidePreventionWeekSuicide Prevention Week, observed September 6-12, is a time when individuals and organizations around the country and the world join their voices to broadcast the message that suicide can be prevented, and to reach as many people as possible with tools and resources to support themselves and those around them. September is also National Recovery Month, a time to increase awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders, and celebrate the people who have found recovery.

At Each Mind Matters, the theme for the 2020 Suicide Prevention activation kit is “Hope, Resilience and Recovery.” This year we’ll focus on hope by promoting resiliency through social and emotional learning and celebrating recovery. By promoting protective factors such as hope and resilience, we may reduce the likelihood that someone experiencing challenges will go down the suicidal crisis path. These protective factors may also help to prevent substance use, while fostering recovery and wellness.

With resources in English and Spanish, this year’s Suicide Prevention Week activation kit includes many activities that can be done individually, as a group or within communities. Access the activation kit at

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