Spend Quality Time With Your Teenager

Sometimes, it’s easy to get so caught up with work, sports, school, and other outside activities, that there’s little time to spend together as a family. Many teens also aren’t interested in spending too much time together as a family. It’s developmentally normal for them to want to be surrounded by their friends and their own activities as they gain independence.

It’s important to spend quality time with your teen despite the obstacles that make it challenging. Studies show teens who spend more time with their parents have better social skills and higher self-esteem. This can be especially true when teens spend time with their fathers.1

A 2016 study found that quality time with parents served as a better predictor of teenagers’ academic aspirations than time spent doing homework or attending extracurricular activities. Parents who discussed books, attended cultural events, and brought teens on community outings raised their teen’s aspirations.2

Giving your teen regular doses of positive attention will also help you maintain a healthy relationship, which can reduce behavior problems and set your child up for success later in life.