River Fire Relief Fund

River Fire Relief

In August 2020, the Nevada County Relief Fund established the Wildfire Relief and Recovery Fund to respond to the impact of wildfire in our region. We accept cash donations and will direct funds as we learn from our nonprofit and county partners where the needs are greatest. We thank you for your generous spirit and care for those in crises in our community.

All funds raised as of August 5th will be made available to survivors of the River Fire from Nevada County. County Department of Social Services caseworkers will vet requests for assistance.

Donations may be made safely and are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation.

For more information and to make a gift, please visit www.nevcorelief.org/donate. If you have any questions, please contact info@nevcorelief.org. 

If you need assistance now, please contact the American Red Cross. The Nevada County Relief Fund will soon post an online application process for impacted River Fire survivors at www.nevcorelief.org/apply/

[To support Placer County residents impacted by the River Fire, please donate at Placer Community Foundation (placercf.org)]