Many thanks to the wonderful speakers who presented at our October 3rd meeting, Connecting Point: An Interactive Overview. Connecting Point Executive Director Ann Guerra and Communications Manager Heather Heckler shared a great overview of CP’s services, and Professional Skills Trainer Lisa Dorman led us in a fun teamwork activity. We very much appreciate their time and expertise.
Instructions for the teamwork activity were to create the tallest free-standing structure possible in 15 minutes using spaghetti and marshmallows.
The meeting minutes will be posted on our Meetings page in the days to come.
Thanks to Cindy Wilson for facilitating and to all who attended and participated.
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 ~ 3:30-5 pm. Gene Albaugh Community Room at the Madelyn Helling Library, 980 Helling Way, Nevada City, CA 95959