Red Flags in Relationships

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every couple is going to have to resolve conflicts and navigate rough patches, and most relationships are a combination of some healthy characteristics and occasional unhealthy ones. But, for some relationships, the unhealthy far outweighs the healthy, and the relationship becomes toxic and causes harm.

How do you know if your relationship is unhealthy? A toxic relationship has a lot of red flags.

Let’s look at some of the signs of an unhealthy relationship.

  1. Negative influence. One partner negatively influences the other to participate in harmful habits like heavy drinking or drug use or to participate in unethical or illegal activities.
  1. One partner makes all the decisions. It’s his or her way or the highway. This partner controls all the finances, tells the other what to do, maybe even what to wear or who to spend time with.
  1. One or both of you lie to the other – either to willfully deceive or in an attempt to keep the peace. One partner may steal from the other.

Click here to continue reading the red flags in relationships.