Race and Equity Training Series

Race and Equity Training Series
Presenter: Franklin Hysten of Blaze Consulting Group
The work of moving towards anti-racism in organizations calls on leaders to explore the role of allies in organizational culture.  In our last session, we asked ourselves, “How do we differentiate between White Saviorism and White Allyship as we go about our mission-driven work?” What part of this dynamic is about our individual leadership and what part connects to our organizational mission?

In this session, we will explore the complexity of allyship. We will name two forces that push us into White Saviorism and name guiding principles to counter its impact. Come ready to co-create a brave space to discuss our own practice and beliefs as we chart new pathways. This session welcomes the participation of all members of our human-serving community.

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on ZOOM