Your League of Women Voters will conduct our election year, Candidate Forum Series later this month and on October 4.
We invited both candidates for U.S. Representative, District 1, Doug LaMalfa and Audrey Denny, to participate in a Candidate Forum. Representative LaMalfa declined our invitation; Ms. Denny accepted. By League bylaws we cannot hold a forum with only one candidate; it is with regret that we will not have the opportunity to provide the community with a forum for this critical elected position.
We also attempted to organize a forum for our State Assembly Representative, but although he was willing, we were not able to secure a date with incumbent Brian Dahle, and his opponent, Caleen Sisk, did not return our inquiry. We apologize that we were unsuccessful in bringing you these important forums.
Forums will be held at the Rood Center*, and live broadcast via KVMR 89.5 FM. All will start promptly at 7 PM and conclude at 8:30*. *The Grass Valley City Council forum will be held in the GV City Council Chambers and will conclude at 9PM*.
Our schedule is as follows:
- Thursday, September 20: NID Divisions 1 and 2: Bruce Herring, Ricki Heck, Chris Bierwagen.
- Wednesday, September 26: Grass Valley City Council At GV City Hall: Ben Aguilar, Bob Branstrom, Hilary Hodge and Steven Slack. Held at GV City Council Chambers from 7 to 9PM.
- Thursday, September 27: Nevada County Sheriff Shannan Moon and Bill Smethers.
- Thursday, October 4: Pros and Cons on Measures and Initiatives – there are 10 of these on the ballot.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. You may learn more about the League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County at www.lwvwnc.org or by visiting our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/lwvwnc