Oct. 20 & Oct. 27 ~ Two events with One Source – Empowering Caregivers (OSEC)

Thanks to OSEC Executive Director Donna Raibley for this info. There are two upcoming events. Here’s a note from Donna about one of them, followed by info about both…

We are getting ready for our 2nd Annual HeART & Wine Gala, that takes place October 20, 2018!

We are asking for ART & SERVICE donations so we can keep our FREE respite service alive to local Care Givers and their families.

We are also looking for Volunteers to help at the event.
Please share this flyer with others!

Help us Cultivate Hope for caregivers in our community.

With Gratitude,
Donna Raibley

HeART & Wine Gala on Oct. 20 ~ OSEC Wine Event Flyer 2018-Oct 20

Volunteer Care Specialist Training starts Oct. 27 ~ OSECVolunteer FlyerOCT2018-Starts Oct 27

The mission of One Source – Empowering Caregivers (OSEC) is to improve quality of life for caregivers and care recipients. This is accomplished through provision of cost free, high quality, non-medical respite care, and community resource referrals for those who are providing care at home.

Info ~ Donna Raibley ~ 530-802-6154 or 530-205-9514,  empoweringcaregivers.org

Here’s a recent note from Donna…

We are getting ready for our 2nd Annual HeART & Wine Gala, that takes place October 20, 2018!

We are asking for ART & SERVICE donations so we can keep our FREE respite service alive to local Care Givers and their families.

We are also looking for Volunteers to help at the event.
Please share this flyer with others!

Help us Cultivate Hope for caregivers in our community.

With Gratitude,
Donna Raibley