OCAP’s 2022 Father Engagement Program Grant 

OCAP’s 2022 Father Engagement Program Grant 

The Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) is pleased to announce the release of the Father Engagement Program Request for Applications (RFA) for funding beginning October 1, 2022 and ending September 30, 2025.  The OCAP is currently accepting applications to fund up to eight qualified Applicants to implement grants for the purposes outlined in the RFA below. Approximately $4,200,000 of total federal funding will be available, to fund up to eight grantees (at a level of approximately $175,000 per year) for the Father Engagement Program with a grant period beginning October 1, 2022 and ending September 30, 2025.

Grantees will support evidence based or evidence informed/promising practice father engagement activities through the following three broad categories:  fatherhood education, case management, and peer-to-peer support to strengthen positive father-child interaction, improve social and economic outcomes for fathers and their families and improve healthy relationships.
Apply today: https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/ocap/grants