Thanks to Donna Cobb, Administrative Assistant, United Way of Nevada County, for this info.
United Way of Nevada County is raffling off a trip to Disneyland. The trip includes round trip airfare for two, three night’s accommodations and five 1-day park hopper passes to Disneyland. Alternatively, a $1000 Adventure Travels gift certificate may be used to customize your trip to Disneyland how you wish. Some restrictions apply.
Tickets are available at B&C Ace Home & Garden Center, at the County Rood Center in the Community Development Agency (CDA) lobby and at the front counter of the Grass Valley City Hall. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The drawing will be held on November 18th as part of United Way’s Campaign Kick-off. You need not be present to win. All proceeds go to UWNC, which is currently focusing on the basic needs of our community. For more information, or to arrange the purchase of tickets from our office, contact our office at 530-274-8111.
- Press release ~ UW_Disney raffle press release
- Flyer ~ UW_Disney raffle flyer