New Year’s News from the CAPC and CSN Board

Happy New Year from the Child Abuse Prevention Council and Community Services Network Board of Directors.   We wish for more healthy, prosperous, and predictable times in 2021, but are poised to remain flexible and diligent in our service to the community.

CAPC and CSN were busy in 2020. You may recall that we were rolling out a public awareness campaign about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and were ready to hold a public showing of the movie Resilience at Sierra Cinemas last April. Of course, our plans changed and we turned inward as a board to discuss and plan how to roll out a more extensive, community-wide Child Abuse Prevention Strategy. The help of Strategies Technical Assistance and the Building a Resilient Community toolkit has been invaluable in informing our efforts; both the Best Practices Guidelines and the Framework for Prevention have guided the structure and future plans of our own CAPC. More information with links to further resources is included below.

In other news, we combined with new efforts by First 5 to hire a new coordinator, and are pleased to welcome Alyssa Burke to our team. Look for more information on Alyssa in next week’s newsletter!

What to expect from CAPC and CSN in 2021?   Continued e-news with invitations and updates on our progress to develop a community-wide conversation about strengthening and engaging families, youth, and each other so that all children and parents in our community thrive.

Here’s to a healthy New Year to you.