New Grizzly Hill School reading program seeking parents/guardians of students to help

Thanks to Ned Russell, CSN-CAPC Board member and community volunteer with 40 Assets, Grizzly Hill School, and other organizations, for this info. Here’s the flyer: ABC flyer-recruit parents & others

The Asset Building Champions (ABC) reading program will be starting at Grizzly Hill school in the fall for the 2018-19 school year, all grades. ABC helps students to build positive relationships and to develop resilience for those times when a relationship is not positive.

An important part of the program is for one or two parents of students in each classroom to read each month’s book and guide the associated lesson. Guardians, grandparents, or other student-connected positive role models can be readers/guides also.

Can you be a volunteer reader/teacher in a classroom? Requirements: 1 hour per month in classroom (teacher chooses when), 2 hours outside of classroom, and a commitment to promoting positive relationships.

Call/text Ned Russell for more information or to apply: 530-377-6337. Selection of readers will be done by Mr. Berardi and school staff.

Program info ~ About Us -> Mission and History, Thriving Youth -> Youth Survey Results