New Format for CSNNC News

Hello Everyone,

We’re experimenting with a new format for the CSNNC News. We hope it will streamline it and make it quicker and easier for you to read each week. Visual format will stay the same. Content format will be simplified.

We’ll continue to post featured items each week. These will be CSN events and new information.

A new weekly item called “Coming Up” will have a list of previously posted upcoming and ongoing events.

The “Quick Links” item will continue to link to each week’s Nevada County News from the office of County CEO Alison Lehman, and have links to current newsletters from CSN Partner organizations and other relevant groups.

As always, please submit items by Fridays at noon if possible. The newsletter gets assembled on Friday afternoons.

Feel free to share your thoughts about the new format!

Warmly, Susan Sanford, CSN Coordinator,