Nevada County News

Thank you, first respondersOngoing Health Impacts from Regional Wildfires

Thanks to the hard work, courage and commitment of our first responders, the Jones Fire is now well on the way to containment here in Nevada County. However, smoke from multiple wildfires around Northern California continues to impact the region, enhancing ozone formation and increasing particle concentrations. Exposure to elevated PM2.5 (fine particulate matter in smoke) concentrations can result in eye and throat irritation, headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, congestion, coughing, impaired lung function and chest pain, especially among sensitive individuals such as the elderly, children, people with asthma, people with heart or lung conditions, pregnant women and anyone who is exercising or working hard outdoors. People who are affected by, or susceptible to, COVID-19 may be at increased risk from wildfire smoke due to cardiovascular symptoms or a compromised or suppressed immune system. Read More

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