Nevada County News

A Year-End Message from Nevada County CEO Alison Lehman

As 2020 draws to a close, I want to express my gratitude to our County staff, community providers and each of our residents.  We saw our community step up in extraordinary ways this past year.

We’ve launched the Nevada County Relief Fund which has raised and distributed $800,000 since April. We’ve kept essential services going, from staying safe while out in the field or implementing automation services to best serve our customers. We continue to stay the course and recognize that we don’t have to choose between our economy or our community health – we can choose both. We’ve continued to meet our community’s needs, even while needs increased as our resources, fundraising opportunities and available volunteers narrowed. And these are just a few of the many accomplishments we can celebrate as we near the end of 2020.

It’s because of our community’s strength and resiliency that I continue to be proud to call Nevada County both my home and where I get the privilege to work and serve. Thank you for all you’ve done to take care of our community this year. Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy holiday season. 

Alison Lehman, County Executive Officer

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