Nevada County News

Nevada County Moves Into Purple Tier

Nevada County has seen a rapid rise in COVID-19 cases, with over six times as many new cases in the second week of November compared to the second week of October. Monday, the State announced that Nevada County’s COVID-19 data meets the most restrictive Purple “Widespread” Tier that will reduce the capacity and increase restrictions for local businesses. The State’s tiered framework connects the level of openness of business sectors to COVID-19 conditions on the ground.

Nevada County Public Health reminds residents to continue practicing social distancing, masking, hand washing, and minimizing social mixing between households. Even if you are mildly symptomatic, please stay home and don’t assume it is allergies or a cold. California has also issued a travel advisory alongside Oregon and Washington to discourage non-essential travel over the holidays, encourage staying local and ask that those that choose to travel self-quarantine for 14-days after returning. Read more.

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