Nevada County News

COVID-19 Data Updates for Nevada County

On August 31st, the State introduced a new tiered framework that connects the level of openness of business sectors to COVID-19 conditions on the ground. Nevada County has been in the Orange “Moderate” Tier since September which allowed some businesses to safely increase the capacity in their facilities. Although Nevada County remains in the Orange “Moderate” Tier with the State’s most recent tier announcement, a recent increase in COVID-19 cases may move Nevada County into the Red “Substantial” Tier in future weeks.

“Although we remain in the Orange Tier this week, we are seeing many of our neighboring counties go backwards in the tier system and are seeing the case rates in Nevada County trend in the same direction. The State’s tier data represents a seven-day lag; however, we saw a dramatic increase of twenty-three new cases this Monday,” said Interim Public Health Officer Dr. Richard Johnson.  Read More

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