Nevada County Fire News

Supervisors Support Consolidation of Three Fire Districts

Last week, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors voted to support the consolidation of three fire districts–Rough & Ready Fire Protection District, Penn Valley Fire Protection District, and Nevada County Consolidated Fire District–into one combined district.

The Board also approved the fire district chiefs’ request for up to $1 Million in temporary gap funding to operate Rough & Ready Fire Station #59 while the reorganization effort is underway. The Board vote assures continued fire protection for the Rough & Ready community as their fire station was slated to close permanently on June 30.

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Wildfire Planning Efforts Ramp Up in Truckee

Long recognized as a tourist destination, Truckee faces unique challenges in wildfire prevention and mitigation efforts, including those posed by seasonal population fluctuations and heavy recreational use. On the heels of Measure T, Truckee Fire Protection District’s successful tax measure to dedicate local funding for wildfire prevention, several efforts are currently underway to ensure that projects and programs align with community priorities and needs.

Last July, the Nevada County Office of Emergency Services (OES) hired a County Wildfire Coordinator, a brand-new position charged with getting on the ground in communities across Nevada County to better understand what is working, what isn’t, and what is needed for our communities to be wildfire resilient.

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