Nevada County Community Survey 

Nevada County is conducting an online Nevada County Community Survey through October 24. They would like as many county residents as possible to take it, because the information will help the Board of Supervisors know what issues to focus on.

The Board of Supervisors is asking residents to complete an online survey to give their assessment of Nevada County on a wide range of topics from economic opportunity to cannabis to wildfire prevention and more.

 The 2023 Nevada County Community Survey asks 44 questions and should take 20 minutes to complete. It can be accessed at, and will be open for two weeks, from today until October 24.   Those who received the survey in the mail should return that version and not do the online version.

As part of the survey, residents are asked to select priorities they think the County should focus on in the next two years.

“Hearing from the community is critical in setting priorities for the County,” said Board Chair Ed Scofield. “It is important that as many residents as possible complete it.”

The results the County received from its last National Research Center survey in 2017 showed that residents prioritized public safety, the environment, and economic development.   In response, the Board of Supervisors prioritized investment in emergency preparedness, wildfire prevention, economic development, to name a few.

The National Research Center, which has since merged with Polco, uses scientific survey methods and best practices, which allows the local results to be compared with other communities across the country.

This year’s survey asks residents to rate the County on several factors, including quality of life, overall economic health, infrastructure, natural environment, arts and culture, parks and recreation, crime, shopping options, diversity and more.

Other survey questions focus on the cannabis industry, wildfire preparation, Internet accessibility, and economic opportunity in the County.