Message from the Board

The Community Support Network would like to highlight Community Beyond Violence (CBV) and how they are showing up for our community. Please read a message below from Executive Director, Stephanie Fischer from CVS’s July Newsletter.

Dear Friends,

We have a core value here at CBV to embrace diversity and provide culturally responsive services delivered with compassion and respect.
On June 23, we put this value into action by celebrating our local LGBTQ+ community members with a festive Pride Picnic at Pioneer Park in Nevada City. About 160 adults and children came together to share food, laughter, and meaningful connections.

The topics on CBV’s July Newsletter features:

  • The Fair is Back in Town – Learn about Community Involvement Day
  • #ThisIsCommunity
  • Volunteer Corner
  • Meet Our New Board Member ~ Tine Mathiasen

Click here to read the full newsletter