Message from the Board

Dear Community Member,

We hope you were able to watch the movie, Resilience: The Biology of Stress and The Science of Hope last week.   Over 85 of you registered and we are eager to hear from you.

We invite you to join a follow up discussion tomorrow, Wednesday, May 5th, at the CSN Partner Meeting from 3:30 to 5.   We will be talking about next steps to increase our community’s understanding of the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experience and ways we can increase collaboration to prevent child abuse and build a stronger and healthier community.

Everyone is welcome to join the meeting to learn more about efforts in our community to prevent and ameliorate Adverse Childhood Experiences and spread the word about the power of resiliency – even if you missed the movie.

See the link below to our next meeting this Wednesday.  See you there.

CAPC Board of Directors

  • Laura Harter, PARTNERS Family Resource Centers (Chair)
  • Eli Gallup, Nevada County Superintendent of Schools (Vice Chair)
  • Melody Easton, First 5 Nevada County, (Secretary and Treasurer)
  • Marina Bernheimer, Child Advocates of Nevada County
  • Rossnina Dort, Child Care Coordinating Council
  • Jolene Hardin, Nevada Joint Union High School District, Young Parents Program
  • Dena Malakian, Bright Futures for Youth
  • Cindy Wilson, Nevada County Public Health Department