Message from the Board

Happy New Year Community Partners!

We continue to be grateful for the hard work by the crews out there trying to restore power, water, heat, and internet. We would also like to note the amazing ways that neighbors continue to support each other during this time of need. We live in a truly amazing community.

Last week, we had our first Community Support Network meeting of the year. We reflected on the successes from last year and did some planning for 2022’s meetings and discussion topics that are of immediate importance to our community. We will be finalizing the meeting topics at our next meeting on February 2, 2022 (click here to register). As we continue to build our resilient community and further our collaboration, we invite any of our partners to reach out to us with meeting topics or presentations you’d like to see. We may also be seeking local subject-matter experts to share on some of these meeting topics in areas where you are most familiar. We are looking forward to continuing to build momentum within our collaborative network in 2022!

We also convened the first meeting of the Prevention Planning Workgroup last week. The purpose of this group is to put into writing the amazing, high-level, prevention efforts we’ve been discussing over the last 2 years and break it down into manageable goals and steps to reach our vision for a healthy Nevada County. Future meeting dates will be announced here for anyone who would like to participate.


Our featured non-profit this week is the Redemption Youth Ranch.

Redemption Youth Ranch exists to provide a safe, nurturing and positive environment for hurting youth and their families to experience hope, healing and the redemptive love of Jesus.

Our goal is to provide every child a mentor and an outdoor activity (horses, archery, art, games, fishing, etc.) that will encourage the youth to grow and heal.

Youth today face unprecedented hardships that leave them vulnerable to depression, grief, destructive behavior and self-harm. Knowing that a major key for a healthy and thriving youth is a committed and caring adult to support and teach them, our heart at Redemption Youth Ranch is to pair every child with a safe and nurturing mentor who can disciple them through the hardships of life.

We use various activities around the ranch to facilitate opportunities that develop life skills, promote healing, and encourage personal growth. Whether it is confidence building through archery, creative expression through art, or learning communication, boundaries and respect with horses, RYR youth walk away knowing they have intrinsic value and worth that God gave them when He knit them in the womb. It isn’t too long before a child has a smile from ear to ear, their head held high and self-esteem surging within them.

Sessions are 90 minutes long and are offered weekly or biweekly Monday – Thursday. 
Part of the session will include a small ranch chore that teaches responsibility, serving others and a sense of ownership. When youth look back and see how their contributions make RYR beautiful and keep our animals healthy, it creates a deep sense of connection and belonging. The remaining part of the session will involve an activity chosen by the mentor and child, thus allowing for a fun and nurturing time.​

They may choose from three main categories: 

1.)  Horsemanship: grooming, basic animal care, tacking, groundwork and riding

2.)  Outdoorsmanship:  fishing, archery, sports and gardening

3.)  Creative Arts: photography, video, arts and crafts

Redemption Youth Ranch can be contacted at (530) 797-6621 or visit their “Contact Us” page to complete an inquiry form.

Thank you RYR for all that you do for the children and families in Nevada County and surrounding counties!!