Mar. 9 ~ Junior Conservationists: Stories of Brer Rabbit on Woodpecker Preserve

Join BYLT and California Naturalists Steve Roddy and Linda Conklin for the second installment of the Junior Conservationists: Stories in Nature series!

This event will take place on Saturday, March 9th from 10:00 am- 11:30 am on Woodpecker Preserve and Cascade Canal Trail in Nevada City. During the trek, Junior Conservationists and their friends and families will travel along the upper portion of Woodpecker Preserve and the Cascade Canal Trail to discover the native plants and animals in the region, and hear stories of Brer Rabbit. This outing is designed for youth, ages 5 to 12, accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Please wear sturdy shoes suitable for hiking, and comfortable clothing. Please bring plenty of water and snacks and leave dogs at home.

Meet at the Woodpecker Preserve Trailhead on Butterfly Drive, off of Mayflower Drive and Banner Lava Cap Road. The hike will begin at 10:oo am and will finish around 11:30 am. The hike will be about 1.5 miles, with a break for storytelling. If you are unfamiliar with the trail, please visit BYLT’s Trail Portal for more information.

Suggested Donation of $10 per Family

If you have any questions before the event, contact Felicia Van Hecke at (530) 272-5994 x207 or