Keeping Kids and Teens Safe in Cars ~ Free Webinar

Thanks to Jasmine Brosnan, Evaluation Project Manager, Innovative Partnerships for this information.

Why these topics and who should attend:

Who – Unintentional injury prevention webinar series are designed for local coalition leadership, staff and key stakeholders;

Why – Teen driver safety – Teen and youth novice drivers ages 16-20 involved crashes lead to the largest number of unintentional injury deaths and hospitalizations, and there is a lot you can do locally to help keep teens and youth safe on the road;

Why – Safety seat programs and kids left in cars – Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for 5 year old children through safety seat age, and kids left alone in cars is a major preventable safety issue for young children, with 58 California children having died due to heat stroke after being left in cars.

  1. The Teen Driver Safety webinar explores the role and actions local coalitions can take to support successful programs to help keep teen and other young drivers safe, especially during their first years of driving. This webinar will provide you with information why this traffic safety and public health issue is so important, and links to resources for successful programs and activities at the local and state level. During this webinar you will hear from Impact Teen Drivers, Friday Night Live, and CCCSH – how to engage teens, youth and families, and updates on policy issues addressing this issue area.

To register for Teen Driver Safety webinar: When: Sep 20, 2019 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) – Register in advance for this webinar:

  1. Keeping kids safe in cars webinar covers two local coalition development issues safety seat and CPS best and practical practices, and preventing kids being left in cars. The safety seat program component will increase your knowledge about: Current safety seat technician training resources, and nuts and bolts of programs to reach parents and caregivers to correctly use safety seats. The how to prevent kids being left in cars component will cover: How to elevate this issue and prevention within the communities you serve, to reach parents, caregivers, law enforcement, business owners with parking, and community leaders. The bottom line is we want to ensure children travel safe in vehicles, and always are not left in vehicles when the drive is over or the car is parked.

To register for Keeping Kids safe in cars webinar: When Nov 21, 2019 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) – Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Questions on registration or IT issue email Gerry Root at Question about content of these and the other upcoming 11 unintentional injury prevention and coalition development webinars contact Steve Barrow at