Intro to CASA ~ Aug. 13 & other dates

Thanks to Taia Greco, Child Advocates of Nevada County, for this info. Here’s the flyer: CASA Recruitment Ad. Includes additional dates and locations for Intro to CASA.

A CASA is a Court Appointed Special Advocate, a trained and fully supported volunteer who stands by a child in foster care.  Working with the child, family, social worker, other professionals, and the court, a CASA listens, learns, and advocates for the child’s best interests.  A CASA is an abused and neglected child’s champion and friend.  Consider becoming a CASA.  Learn more at Intro to CASA on August 13th  from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at 208 Providence Mine Road, Suite #119 in Nevada City or visit our website at  You can also contact us at: or 530-265-9550 ext. 222.