Parents who are dealing with issues such as violence, substance abuse, and food or financial insecurity often feel blamed, shamed, and judged by society. Even well-meaning initiatives designed to help them often focus solely on the problems and challenges they are facing, as if that were the whole of their story.

But a new group of community-based parenting programs are acknowledging the host of strengths and wisdom inherent in these parents. These programs help parents recognize what they are doing well, trust their own expertise, honor their resilience, and witness how much their love means to their children.

Three organizations supported by the GGSC’s Raising Caring, Courageous Kids initiative have been working to help parents recognize their individual parenting strengths, promote positive connections with their children, and enhance their ability to raise caring, resilient children. Participating in these programs often leads parents—as well as kids—to begin strengthening their sense of purpose in the world and articulating their goals and dreams for the future.

Read the full article here.