Hospitality House Now Offering Adult Education Classes

Hospitality House is now offering complimentary adult health and wellness, and skill-building classes to residents of Brunswick Commons, a community housing project made possible in partnership with County of Nevada; Regional Housing Authority; and property management company, Cambridge Real Estate Group, to name a few. Just months since the doors first opened, all residents now have an opportunity to take classes designed to contribute to their long-term housing success.
“Research has shown that the skills most helpful in ensuring sustainable housing address time management, financial planning, and workforce
development,” said Hospitality House Case Manager, Miranda Gorder. “However, physical and emotional health are also critical to a person’s well-being, and their ability to maintain a job, relationships and a home.”
With this data in mind, a well-rounded curriculum was created to meet the unique needs of a wide variety of residents.
If you’d like to read more about Hospitality House’s commitment to long-term housing success at Brunswick Commons, click here.