GV Library – New Adulting Program

Hey Millennials and Gen Zers!
Have you gone incognito to google things like “what’s a 1040” and “is my chicken cooked”? Find some answers at Grass Valley Library’s new monthly #ADULTING program!
Starting in January 2025, join us at 6pm on the first Monday of the month for FREE presentations by local experts on some of the tricky situations we face as 20- and 30-somethings. And we’ll provide the pizza!
2025 kicks off with “Figuring Out Your Personal Finances” on January 6, where you can learn about types of bank accounts, how to create a budget, and maybe even when to start thinking about saving for retirement. (Hint: you should probably already be thinking about it.)
For more information about the program, visit the events calendar online or call the Grass Valley Library at (530) 273-4117.
* Please note that presenters will be providing a general overview and will not offer individuals financial advice. *