Get Your PSA Up & Running on KNCO

Get Your Public Service Announcements Up and Running on KNCO

An opportunity for our local organizations:
Hello from KNCO Newstalk 830 and STAR 94 FM,
Nevada County Broadcasters wants you to know we are here to help your group get the word out.  Our stations want you to create both a 60 second, and a 30 second Public Service Announcement about your group.  These PSA’s should be tell your group’s story.  These shouldn’t be about a specific fundraiser or event, but about the role your group plays in our community.

Why not a specific event? These PSA’s will be used to fill empty commercial slots in our programming.  These PSA’s, once recorded, will play for up to 2 years.  Now, if something happens, like new leadership or new mission, we can re-record them.

If this sounds like a great deal, it is.  These PSA’s won’t cost your group a dime!  Here are a couple guidelines:

  1. Human speech runs at about 3 words a second.  Thus your 60 second PSA shouldn’t be more than 180 to 190 words, the 30 second PSA half that.
  2. Practice OUT LOUD.  I know it sounds like you’re talking to yourself, but speaking the written word is the only way to discover written tongue twisters and twisted meanings.  (Like the time a newsperson wrote “the body of the deceased Antelope man was found in a creek running thru the property” – It really happened)
  3. Relax and smile, it comes through in your voice.
  4. Don’t worry about making mistakes, we do this for a living and we are really good at editing!

Our recording studio will be available to record your messages Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays between 10 and 3, in half hour increments.  To schedule your recording time please, email   Andrea will let you know if there is a conflict with the time you’ve requested and reschedule.  Due to limited personal, drop-ins are not an option.

We are looking forward to working with you.