Cold Shelter Opportunities

As we begin the cold weather shelter season, I am sending out this appeal to try to find help for the shelter during the overnight hours, from midnight to 8 a.m. or a portion of that period. This year, Sierra Roots was able to offer increased wages for these shifts and had a successful recruitment drive. Although many volunteers and paid employees have been added, it continues to be difficult to staff the two positions mandated for each shelter opening that cover the late night and early morning hours.

The shifts can be divided in multiple ways depending on preference of the worker(s). For example, we can have a shift that works from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. and another that works from 2 am to 6 or 8 am. Or, if a person prefers to take the entire shift, from 12:01 a.m. to 8 a.m., that would be wonderful!
I’m reaching out to ask if you, or anyone you know, would like to be part of this important community service and are available to help during the night. We offer $25 per hour for the shelter monitor position, for hours worked past midnight ($20 per hour for hours worked up to midnight). A criminal background check is required to ensure the safety of all.
We want to ensure that the shelter can always open when the county’s cold weather criteria are met. We could sure use a few more night owls to make that happen!
You can contact us at Many thanks for reading this.

Alice Johnson, Weather Shelter Volunteer Coordinator, Sierra Roots