Children’s Bureau Express

The Child and Family Services Review: Catalyst for Change

Anyone who has worked at any level of child welfare for any length of time will tell you it is incredibly difficult work. Whether in a public or private agency, the demands of keeping children safe, strengthening families, and navigating multiple complex systems are often frustrating and easily dispiriting. The core of everyday work for caseworkers, supervisors, administrators, and judges is the ability to accurately assess the challenges families encounter and to provide necessary and adequate services to create enduring change for those in our communities who are the most vulnerable and disenfranchised.

To read the full article CLICK HERE.

We Thank You, A Message From Aysha E. Schomburg

“Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and siblings, as well as close family friends, have long stepped up to care for children when parents are temporarily unable to do so. It is estimated that 2.7 million children in the United States live with kin caregivers without a parent living in the household. Extensive research shows that kin placements have a higher likelihood of long-term stability. When placed with kin, children are more likely to preserve what belongs to them: their connections to family, community, and culture.”

To read the full article CLICK HERE.