Celebrating Social Worker Appreciation Month

The Importance of Social Workers in Behavioral and Mental Health

Social Work is a broad field of expertise. It includes mental health, county services, community support services, judicial and foster care systems. Often, the people who are drawn to this work want to make a difference in the lives of others. Their job requires resiliency and hope daily while using technical knowledge of everything from human behavior and child development to current local and federal policies.

We need social workers – they do so much for our society. Though not all our employees at Victor carry the job title “social worker” the majority do what is considered social work. We’ve been helping others soar for over 65 years and we can’t agree more with this year’s theme for Social Worker’s Appreciation Month “The Time is Right for Social Work”.


The need for social workers is great. There are nearly 720,000 social workers in our nation. That number is expected to grow by 12 percent by the end of the decade, making social work one of the fastest growing professions in the nation, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Social workers have been an integral part of our nation for decades. Social workers played key roles in the Civil Rights and Women’s Rights movements and pushed for social programs we now take for granted, including the minimum wage, a 40-hour work week, Social Security and Medicare.

Read the full article here.