Nominees Sought for Parent Leadership Awards

February is National Parent Leadership Month. Organized by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP), the Fourth Annual OCAP Parent Leadership Awards will honor parents throughout California for the work they do to improve their communities.

The OCAP defines a parent leader as someone who is able to achieve positive outcomes to improve the well-being of families, while encouraging other parents to take on leadership roles as well. A parent leader represents the views of parents and strives to meet the needs of the community.

The CAP Center is reaching out to Sierra-Sacramento partners for help in identifying and nominating local parent leaders. We are so looking forward to honoring the parents in our partnership and recognizing their positive impact in the community.

Can you help?

Click HERE for the 2021 Parent Leadership Awards application with instructions and details about the application process, including guidelines, submission, deadlines, and other useful dates.

Please feel free to reach out to Marissa Provost ( with any questions or for further information. Additional information also can be found here:

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