Building Self-Esteem through Mentorship

#DYK that May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month? Building self-esteem is a big part Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentorship Program and research shows that having the positive influence of a mentor makes a real difference in a kid’s life.
For a few hours, a couple times a month, you can give a Little the invaluable gift of your friendship. By simply changing their perspective of what the world can offer, you can literally start changing their life. Play a board game. Make fun crafts. Hit the playground together. Just as your options are unlimited, so is your Little’s potential.
Join the volunteers who give a young person someone to look up to and the self-esteem to take on life in a more positive way.
So many of our Bigs tell us that becoming a Big was the best decision they ever made. What are you waiting for? #NationalTeenSelfEsteemMonth
Click here to learn more how to become a BIG!