The Community Support Network is proud to present our Be the One campaign.
The purpose of the Be the One campaign is to invite the community into dialogue about the impact of Adverse Childhood (and Community) Experiences (ACEs) and the science of resilience and to encourage all of us to create more caring connections. The Community Support Network will be bringing this message and convening opportunities over the next two years to encourage community awareness and volunteer opportunities that make a difference. Please stay tuned – if you haven’t already joined our e-newsletter list you can sign up now to receive updates to this page and invitations to training or speakers and events.
- Joining us at our Partners Meeting (open to all) on December 4 to learn more.
- Invite Community Support Network board members to lead a free training at your organization or school. Contact us!
- Learn more about the impact of Adverse Childhood (and Community) Experiences (ACEs) and the science of resilience by checking out our Be the One page.