2024 Pink Patch/Coin Project

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Today marks the start of the Pink Patch Project in honor of breast cancer awareness for the month of October. Because so many of us have been impacted in some way by breast cancer, it is especially meaningful for our departments to partner with the community to raise awareness and donations to support the Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital Foundation.

In the coming days and weeks you will learn of ways you can become involved and/or donate to this great cause, so stay tuned!

Local law enforcement departments in Nevada County will be wearing pink patches for the month of October.

Red Flags in Relationships

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Every couple is going to have to resolve conflicts and navigate rough patches, and most relationships are a combination of some healthy characteristics and occasional unhealthy ones. But, for some relationships, the unhealthy far outweighs the healthy, and the relationship becomes toxic and causes harm.

How do you know if your relationship is unhealthy? A toxic relationship has a lot of red flags.

Let’s look at some of the signs of an unhealthy relationship.

  1. Negative influence. One partner negatively influences the other to participate in harmful habits like heavy drinking or drug use or to participate in unethical or illegal activities.
  1. One partner makes all the decisions. It’s his or her way or the highway. This partner controls all the finances, tells the other what to do, maybe even what to wear or who to spend time with.
  1. One or both of you lie to the other – either to willfully deceive or in an attempt to keep the peace. One partner may steal from the other.

Click here to continue reading the red flags in relationships.

Gossip in the Workplace

Gossip in the workplace – Good or bad? Healthy or unhealthy?

When a work setting consists of at least three people, it seems that gossip will occur at some point. But what do we mean by “gossip”? Likely everyone has their own take on what constitutes gossip (and assumes that everyone else is thinking the same way). One definition that seems useful, even if a little strict, is “talking about in a way that could be taken as negative or disparaging, and that person is not present (or at least unaware of the comments).” Hmm. That definition casts a light that likely reveals more experiences of gossip than we might have initially estimated.

But What’s the Big Deal?

As defined here, what is wrong with gossip? One problem is that the person being talked about is not present to defend or explain themselves and likely will never know that they were portrayed negatively to others. It’s highly unlikely that the gossipy “facts” being shared are the entire story, and, yet, to at least some extent, the comments are likely to affect how the listeners view the person being gossiped about. This is especially true when listeners do not have much, if any, personal experience with the person in question.

Click here to continue reading the article.

10.02.04 CSN Meeting – IEP Process

October CSN Meeting- Special Education & the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Process

You are invited to the Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 (3:30pm – 5pm via Zoom) Community Support Network (CSN) meeting. Our focus will be on Special Education & the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Process. The meeting will provide an overview on Special Education and the IEP Process, parent and student rights, etc. Our presenter will be Eli Gallup with Nevada County Superintendent of Schools (NCSOS).

This meeting will be held virtually on Zoom. Click here to register for the Zoom meeting.

We’re looking forward to meeting with you on Wednesday October 2nd, 2024, from 3:30-5pm.

Navigating the IEP process with your child can feel daunting. This presentation will highlight effective practices for parents and caregivers working in collaboration with school districts. Eli will present information on the educational process a school must go through when developing an IEP, and the educational rights that a child with disabilities has in all public schools throughout California.

If you or someone you know is wanting to learn more about Special Education & the IEP Process, please feel free to share and invite parents, caregivers, and others in Nevada County to attend the meeting.

NAMI Meeting – Speaker Jesse Wilson NCDA

NAMI Meeting

Join NAMI this coming Thursday evening for our
General Education Program

  • When: Thursday, September 26th, 2024, from 7 to 8:30pm
  • Where: Helling Library next to the Rood Center—980 Helling Way, Nevada City.

Speaker: Jesse Wilson, Nevada County District Attorney. Come hear how he looks at mental illnesses and how he addresses them in the criminal court process. The District Attorney’s office determines criminal charges and agrees regarding an individual’s eligibility for mental health courts, so it’s important for us in NAMI to learn how the system works. The meeting will be both in person and via Zoom.

Our General Meetings are open to the public, so bring a friend!

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81278279377?pwd=b3MyTGVmdy9NM0hNc1VDM1hhMDBBdz09

  • Meeting ID: 812 7827 9377
  • Passcode: 528963
  • One tap mobile dial in: +1 669 900 9128

Questions? Call us at (530) 648-0178

2024 Street of Dreams

A fun outing for a great and needed cause!

*Special Pricing is available for: Dream Builders, Volunteers, and Auction Donors. 

Our annual event takes place this year on September 26th 6-9pm

Grass Valley Veterans Memorial Building, 255 S Auburn Street Grass Valley, CA 95945

Contact info@nchabitat.org or call 530.274.1951 for more information.

Early Education Division Input Session

Early Education Division (CDE, EED): Input Session Opportunity for Serving Two-Year-Old Children in the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) – October 1 or October 2

The CDE, EED will be hosting virtual input sessions with interest holders via Zoom on October 1 at 3:30 p.m. and October 2 at 8:30 a.m. (please register for only one session). Educators, including teachers, are encouraged to attend. The input session is not an informational webinar; it is an opportunity for the public to actively participate in providing input on upcoming support and resources for serving two-year-old children in CSPP.

California Youth Advisory Applicaiton

The California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls – Seeking New Members for their Youth Advisory Council

This unique opportunity to help shape public policy is open to girls ages 14-20 living in California. Members will be asked to attend, virtually or in person in Sacramento, 6 meetings each year, approximately 2 hours each, and engage in approximately 4 hours of advocacy, outreach, or support each month. Applicants must be available during business hours to be considered.

The application deadline has been extended to October 17, 2024. 

Click here to download the application.

PSA: Please DO NOT Bleach Your Pumpkins

A PSA From Bierwagen’s Donner Fruit Trail & Pumpkin Patch

PSA: Please DO NOT bleach your pumpkins to make them last longer!!

I’ve seen this tip being shared all over social media this season and it stinks!

Please remember pumpkins are food, especially to lots of the wildlife! Deer, squirrels, raccoons, possums, mice, rats, chipmunks, birds, and even bugs.

We deliberately stick them outside somewhere where wildlife can access them, and we DO NOT want our wildlife eating bleached pumpkins