Narcan / Naloxone

Narcan/Naloxone is a life-saving, opioid overdose
reversal drug. Unfortunately, accessing Naloxone can
be difficult in certain areas that are affected by the
opioid crisis, which leads to an increase in overdose
deaths. Rural counties are nearly three times more
likely to be low dispensing compared to urban
counties. Sierra Community Medical Foundation has a
standing order to distribute free Naloxone to members
of our community. You can also get Narcan at many
pharmacies without a prescription or covered by most
insurance. Visit our page to learn more about
treatment and Naloxone.

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education: Helping Children Develop to Their Full Potential and Lead Healthier Lives

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated their Health Impact in 5 Years web page about early childhood education. The initiative highlights community wide interventions that provide evidence on positive health impacts, the indicators that lead to better outcomes and results, and the cost effectiveness of the intervention.

Sacramento Child Abuse Statistics

Violence and its impact on children is a heartbreaking reality that impacts so many families in California each year. In 2016 alone for Sacramento County, 13 children died of homicide. Six were related to abuse and neglect, according to a recent report by the Child Abuse Prevention Center. “What we see in the data consistently over 25 years is that the most vulnerable children are those zero to five. And frankly, those in the first year of life are actually the most vulnerable and most likely to die of a child abuse and neglect homicide,” said Sheila Boxley, president and CEO of the Child Abuse Prevention Center (CAP Center)

Click here to learn more

Message from the Board

Thank you for attending the February CSN meeting. As a follow up, please see the IMPORTANT information regarding the changes to Nevada County Medi-Cal and CalFresh benefits.

Attached is the DHCS continuous coverage unwinding plan and a hand-out for customers from DHCS. Below is links to all the outreach materials for Cal-Fresh emergency allotments ending.

Links to outreach materials:



Here is the link to the DHCS website that shows the income limits for Medi-Cal

Do You Qualify? | Medi-Cal Eligibility

Attached is the information for the income limits for Cal-Fresh, but the eligibility for Cal-Fresh is not straight forward like it is for Medi-Cal. There are many exceptions to the income limits. If you want more information, follow the link below.

Eligibility and Issuance Requirements (

CalFresh Cheat Sheet

Crisis Intervention Training

Community Beyond Violence is proud to announce Their in-person Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) dates and times for this Spring of 2023!

Do you want to be a certified domestic violence advocate/sexual assault counselor?

This is a state approved curriculum designed to train folks on the skills needed to work with victims who have experienced trauma and help them navigate systems as they work towards safety and recovery.

Orientation is Tuesday February 28th 6PM-7PM

Interviews will take place on March 2nd &3rd

Training days are March 11th- May 13th

  • Tuesdays 5:30PM-8:30PM
  • Saturdays 9AM-4PM

If you are interested in this training and/or becoming a volunteer for Community Beyond Violence, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at or call 530-272-3467 

Community Grant Alert  

Community Grant Alert  

Application open through February 28, 2023, at 8:00 PM EST    



Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, in partnership with Toyota, is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 Buckle Up for Life Community Grant program. This opportunity provides funding to organizations to implement community-based child passenger safety programs to reduce the risk of motor vehicle-related injury and death.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center will also provide program training, support, and oversight throughout the grant year.

Buckle Up for Life partnerships are designed as community interventions, and have been exempted by Cincinnati Children’s Institutional Review Board. Neither Cincinnati Children’s nor Toyota provide liability insurance coverage for Buckle Up for Life partners and affiliates.


  • Community Grants will be awarded to qualified tax-exempt nonprofit organizations as determined under section 501(c)(3) or 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, to public service agencies (e.g., fire/police departments, local health departments, public schools, etc.), and federally recognized Tribal Nations.
  • Applying institutions must have an injury prevention program with a certified child passenger safety technician (CPST) on staff and should be able to provide a contingency plan for implementing the program during the pandemic if needed.
  • Applying institutions must have established partnerships in their local communities. Staff working on Buckle up for Life program must have strong social and networking skills.

Funding Period: 

  • Community Grant partnership: August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024.

How to Apply: