Defensible Space Clearing

The daffodils are popping up on Highway 49 and there are hints of spring everywhere! Now is the time to be thinking about defensible space… Need help? There are just under two weeks left to apply to the Access and Functional Needs Program. More information is available here:
This program is being funded and managed in cooperation with The County of Nevada, CalOES (California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services), FEMA and Fire Safe Council of Nevada County with additional support from @United Way of Nevada County.

Come Visit The New NEO Youth Center

Anxiety, depression, stress, uncertainty. Learn how the new NEO Youth Center will help children and young adults in Nevada County address these challenges.
A safe, supervised space after school with classes and music jam sessions. Also, weekend get-togethers and much more.
The new NEO Youth Center on Litton Hill will provide tools and resources for youth to build the foundation for self-sufficiency and happy lives.


You are invited to learn more about our life-changing program and the future of the NEO Youth Center and how it will help youth:
Thur., Feb 23, 5:30-7 p.m. 200 Litton Drive, Grass Valley

Bright Futures for Youth is committed to opening the NEO Youth Center in late summer 2023.
We hope you can join us.
Please RSVP to Sienna Crawford,


California State Parks Volunteer Program

California State Parks Volunteer Program Open House on February 25th

Are you wondering if there’s a volunteer activity that you would enjoy doing in the California State Parks
of the Sierra foothills? Sierra Gold Sector is hosting an informational Volunteer Program Open House on Saturday, February 25th, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Empire Mine State Historic Park, South Yuba River State Park and Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, for those interested in learning more about the wide variety of volunteer opportunities available.

Volunteer docents will be staffing tables at all three parks to talk with visitors about the activities they do and answer questions about the volunteer program. Entrance fees are waived for event attendees. A multi-day volunteer training for the three parks will begin on March 3rd.

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Important PG&E Updates

PG&E Invites North Valley & Sierra Region Customers to Town Hall for Updates on Local Projects and Vegetation Work

PG&E invites North Valley & Sierra Region customers to a virtual town hall to share the latest updates in their region, highlight efforts to keep trees and other vegetation a safe distance from power lines, and connect customers with their local leadership team, including Regional Vice President Joe Wilson.

On Tuesday, February 21st, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., PG&E experts will provide a brief presentation, during which participants will have the opportunity to ask questions. The event can be accessed through this link, by phone, or through PG&E’s website,

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Nevada County Connects Offers Free Fares for Valentine’s Day

Nevada County Connects Offers Free Fares for Valentine’s Day

Nevada County Connects is sharing the love this Valentine’s Day, February 14th, with free fares on all routes! Nevada County Connects will be operating normal schedules and times on all routes, with free fares for all.

Bus schedules are available in the Nevada County Connects Rider’s Guide at nevadacountyconnects.comRiders can also call the Transit Services office at 530-477-0103 x 0 for travel planning information.

Free fare days are funded by a Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) air quality grant that provides public transit funding assistance for projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve mobility.

McCourtney Road Transfer Station Improvement Project

Supervisors Approve McCourtney Road Transfer Station Improvement Project

On Tuesday, February 7th, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved and awarded the McCourtney Road Transfer Station (MRTS) Improvement Project to Bobo Construction. This project will repurpose the existing transfer station’s footprint to accommodate the increased traffic and demand for recycling and solid waste services and allow for the current State mandate for organic food waste collection and diversion.

Construction is planned from Spring 2023 through Fall 2024.

“A lot of hard work has been done to get us to this point, and we are very excited to see this project begin this Spring,” said Board of Supervisors Chair Ed Scofield. “Anyone who has visited the transfer station during peak periods is familiar with the long lines and wait times, but the cost of the project has come out much better than we anticipated and will help solve the wait issues.”

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