Nevada County Happenings

Nevada County! We’ve only received TWO gingerbread house entries! We know you can do better than that!

We’d love to showcase your entry at the Country Christmas Faire next weekend. Entry forms can be completed online ( or by coming into our office. It is free to enter!

Entry forms are due by Friday, November 17, but the actual gingerbread house doesn’t need to be delivered until Monday, November 20.

If gingerbread houses aren’t your thing, we have several other creative classes including ornaments, legos, stockings, wreaths and cards!

Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) Survey

Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) in our community is looking for your input on development! Your ideas and suggestions are valuable in shaping this initiative and ensuring its success. We believe that providing quality early education opportunities for all children is essential for their future growth and development.
By designing a Universal Prekindergarten program, we can create a foundation that supports the learning and well-being of our community’s youngest members. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of children and families in our community. Thank you for your contribution! (Click the Link)

November is National Gratitude Month


Gratitude is the simplest way to change one’s perspective of the world. It allows us to appreciate the positive, rather than focus on the negative aspects of our lives. Learning to be grateful helps us appreciate the little things in life that we tend to take for granted, which brings about a deep feeling of satisfaction that fulfills and nourishes us.

National Gratitude Month was an initiative started by Stacey Grewal, who believes gratitude to be an essential ingredient of a happy and fulfilling life. When one embraces gratitude, they immediately shift their focus from the negative to the positive things in their lives.

Being always grateful does not mean that one would deny the fact that negative things happen in life (that will be delusional); it means finding and focusing more on the good. It means finding something to be grateful for amid the preponderance of bitterness and hardship.

Gratitude has been proven to generate a positive impact on psychological, physical, and personal wellbeing. Practicing gratitude or reflecting on what you’re grateful for is an effective way to deal with life’s chaotic, stressful and tense moments. Grateful people tend to sleep better, have lower stress levels, exercise more often, and eat healthier.

Coincidentally, Thanksgiving falls in gratitude month. On Thanksgiving Day, we celebrate gratitude. So if you are the kind of person who needs a special occasion to be thankful, then Gratitude Month is the encouragement you’ve been looking for.


  1. Start a gratitude journal

    Start a gratitude journal. It’s not something you have to buy from the internet; just a simple notebook would do. Write three things you are grateful for every day; it could be something as simple as a good meal or a beautiful sunset. When you look back at all the things you’ve mentioned in the journal, you will be able to reflect on all the great things you’ve been missing out on all this time.

  2. Spread gratitude

    Share gratitude with other people. Tell them how much you appreciate their services, care, friendship, etc. Show your family how grateful you are to have them in your life, let them know how they make your life better just by being a part of it.

  3. Give back to the community

    Show your gratitude and appreciation by giving back to the community. Helping out in the community is a good way to appreciate everything in life. So do your part and become something that others can be grateful for.

November CSN Meeting

Please join us on Wednesday for our November Community Support Network meeting. We will receive presentations from local service providers such as Hospitality House, Bright Futures for Youth’s SAFE program, and NCSOS’ Homeless Outreach program regarding services for families experiencing unstable housing. We’ll also have the opportunity to review the results from the Point in Time County that was conducted last year. We look forward to meeting with you and continuing our ongoing collaboration!

Click HERE to register for the meeting

Halloween Spooktacular & Spooky Boooky Book Giveaway Today!

Nevada City Halloween Spooktacular & Spooky Boooky Book Giveaway, October 31st from 3-5 pm

Nevada County’s Eric Rood Center, the City of Nevada City, and the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce are thrilled to welcome trick-or-treaters to the 2nd annual Nevada City Halloween Spooktacular event on Tuesday, October 31, from 3 to 5 p.m.

This fun, family-friendly event is for Halloween lovers and trick-or-treaters of all ages.

This year’s event shares the stage with the Spooky Booky book giveaway at the Madelyn Helling Library, presented in partnership with the Community Support Network of Nevada County.

Visitors are invited to park at the Eric Rood Center, trick-or-treat throughout the County building, head up to the Madelyn Helling Library, and then take the free Nevada County Connects shuttle to downtown Nevada City, where merchants will open their doors to trick-or-treaters. Shuttles will run between the Eric Rood Center, the library, and City Hall every 15 minutes until 7:00 pm.

Roam the Haunted Halls of the Eric Rood Center

Ghosts and ghouls of all ages are invited to roam the haunted halls of the County building, go on a Spooktacular Scavenger Hunt, and gather tasty treats from County departments, where they’ll find a different world behind every door.

The annual event is a gift to the community from Nevada County’s employees, who donate the treats, decorations, and time to transform the Rood Center. “We love seeing the community come out to enjoy these public spaces,” said Nevada County CEO Alison Lehman.

Check Out Spooky Booky at the Madelyn Helling Library

Take the free shuttle to the Madelyn Helling Library for the annual Spooky Booky book giveaway for kids and teens hosted by the Community Support Network of Nevada County and Nevada County Library. This family-oriented event includes local partners who will share resources and giveaways, celebrity storytime with community leaders, face painting, balloon making, and fun, hands-on activities for all.

“Spooky Booky is such a fun, safe way to get families out in the community and promote a love of reading and all things spooky! We’re so grateful to be one of the many partners involved in this event year after year,” said Melody Easton, Executive Director of First 5 Nevada County and Chair of the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Western Nevada County

Head Downtown to Trick-or-Treat at Local Businesses

From the library, hop on the free shuttle to downtown Nevada City, where participating merchants will greet trick-or-treaters from 3 to 5 p.m.

“Nevada City has long been a Halloween destination and our downtown merchants are ready to kick off the fun again this year,” said Nevada City Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Stuart Baker.

Commercial Street will be closed to traffic and the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce will host games and music for attendees to enjoy. Downtown merchants will be adding to the festivities with their annual Halloween Window Decorating contest sponsored by the Nevada City Chamber. Nevada City City Hall will offer dog treats for four-legged friends.

Go Door to Door in Nevada City’s Historic Neighborhoods

For a big finish, head to East Broad Street, where residents go all out for trick-or-treaters. East Broad will be closed to traffic at the Y (East Broad and Cottage Street) beginning at 5 p.m.

After you’ve filled your bag and your belly, catch the shuttle at City Hall to head back to your car in the Rood Center parking lot. The shuttle runs until 7 p.m.

Thank you to event sponsors, YubaNetThe Union, and Nevada County Connects, for helping to make this the spookiest (and most convenient) trick-or-treating destination in town.

Universal Pre-Kindergarten Survey

This survey is intended for Parents/Guardians of a 3-and 4-yr old child, but it can also work for parents with younger children that will more than likely be enrolling their child in a prekindergarten program in the near future. Entries will be put in a raffle drawing for a $25 Amazon Gift card and 40 entries will be selected!

Click HERE for the survey!

Nevada County News

Medi-Cal Recipients to Move to Partnership HealthPlan Starting in January 2024

Nevada County’s more than 25,000 Medi-Cal recipients will be served by Partnership HealthPlan of California beginning in January. They are now served by California Health & Wellness and Anthem Blue Cross.

Most people affected by the switch should be able to continue to see their same health care providers, Ryan Gruver, the Nevada County Health and Human Services director told the Board of Supervisors Tuesday. “Partnership has gone to great pains to contract with as many of the current providers as possible,” said Gruver. “People will see a change in who their health insurance plan is, but they shouldn’t see a change in their services.”

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Alliance for Workforce Development Aids Job Seekers, Employers

The Alliance for Workforce Development helped 3,634 Nevada County residents with everything from job searches to training in fiscal year 2022-2023, an organization representative told the Board of Supervisors Tuesday. In the same period, the group helped 153 businesses.

Supervisor Lisa Swarthout praised the work the Alliance is doing, particularly with assistance to small businesses, which have been hit with so many challenges including power outages, COVID-19 and winter storms. “We live with instability so any resources that can be provided to help people understand how you overcome these instabilities is fantastic,” she said.

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Volunteer for Hospitality House!

NEEDED: Volunteer Cook Groups!!
Over 79,344 meals were prepared and served in the shelter kitchen over the last fiscal year. Culinary Specialist, Brian Bliss, and our handful of volunteer cook groups are our superheroes for keeping up with increasing demand, but we need more help! Please consider creating a cook group to prepare and serve one meal a month at the shelter.
Here’s how cook groups work: Your team will consist of 4-5 members who are ServSafe Food Handler certified. ServSafe certification simply requires a 2-hour, online course which costs only $15 (Hospitality House is happy to reimburse as requested.) Your cook group will designate a leader to stay in contact with the volunteer department at Hospitality House. Then, together, you’ll decide upon a menu and recurring schedule.
Hospitality House serves an average of 70 guests per dinner. Cook groups are free to be creative when it comes to the menu. Some groups prepare the same dish every time they come in; other groups like to try new recipes every time.
Teams come into the shelter with their ingredients at 1pm to begin cooking. We request that the meal be ready at 4:30pm and dinner is served at the shelter at 5pm. Most teams enjoy serving, as it’s their opportunity to interact with guests. Clean-up is done in collaboration with Hospitality House’s shelter caretakers.
Hospitality House’s Volunteer Department will guide you through the process to make certification and onboarding as easy as possible and, if you’re a PatchWorks Member, your monthly volunteer hours will be recorded and count toward BriarPatch discounts.
To organize a cook team, please begin by filling out a volunteer application here. We can’t wait to see your smiling faces in the kitchen at Utah’s Place!
Questions? Call us at (530) 615-0852 or email us at
Ready to fill out an application? Visit