Let it be heard…..
Take the Nevada County Community Needs Assessment Survey
Ready Nevada County will hold a countywide CodeRED emergency alert test on Thursday January 23, 2024.
Nevada County uses CodeRED for emergency alerts. Be prepared by registering now for CodeRED emergency alerts at https://www.nevadacountyca.gov/3780/Emergency-Alerts.
Need assistance registering? Contact 211 Connecting Point by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-833-342-5211
Need to make changes to your account or verify your information? Contact the CodeRED Emergency Alert Customer Support team at crsupport@onsolve.com or 866-939-0911 x1, Monday-Friday 6 am-3 pm.
If you have questions, please contact Emily Wilson at emily@yubariver.org
Two AmeriCorps VISTA Positions
AmeriCorps VISTA is a federal program that provides needed resources to nonprofit organizations and public agencies to increase their capacity to lift communities out of poverty. Learn more here.
Interfaith Food Ministry will be hosting TWO VISTA members for a term of service starting on 2/10/2025 and ending on 2/9/2026. VISTA members serve for 40 hours per week for those 12 months. VISTA members earn a Living Allowance paycheck from AmeriCorps of $877.66 every two weeks during service, and then can choose between an Education Award of about $7,400 OR a cash stipend of about $3,000 upon successful completion of their term of service.
IFM has chosen to supplement with two additional benefits:
Review positions below.
Operations and Admin Project Coordinator
Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator
Applications accepted until 12/31/2024. For more information, click HERE.
Interfaith Food Ministry works to reduce food insecurity in Nevada County. We feed the hungry, helping to sustain good health and human dignity. The Vision is a community where no one ever feels the hurt of hunger.
To learn more about Interfaith Food Ministry visit their website at www.interfaithfoodministry.