Countywide CodeRED Test


Ready Nevada County will hold a countywide CodeRED emergency alert test on Thursday January 23, 2024.

Nevada County uses CodeRED for emergency alerts. Be prepared by registering now for CodeRED emergency alerts at

Need assistance registering? Contact 211 Connecting Point by dialing 2-1-1 or 1-833-342-5211

Need to make changes to your account or verify your information? Contact the CodeRED Emergency Alert Customer Support team at or 866-939-0911 x1, Monday-Friday 6 am-3 pm.

Health Supply Vending Machine

Nevada County Public Health has opened its fifth Health Supply Vending Machine at Brighton Greens Resource Center (988 McCourtney Rd.,Grass Valley). The machine provides an additional access point to existing free and confidential health products that save lives, prevent chronic disease, promote mental and physical health, and reduce harm at one of the County’s most high-traffic facilities.
Products available through the vending machines include:
– Naloxone (Narcan) and fentanyl test strips
– Adult and children’s oral health kits
– First aid, hygiene and grooming kits
– Medication and sharps disposal kits
Learn more about the health access vending machines, including a full list of products, by visiting

Free Christmas Tree Recycling

Now that the holidays are behind us, here are some free options to recycle your real Christmas tree.
For Western County, you can put your tree in your green cart but make sure all decorations are removed, and the lid can shut. Or drop off at several locations:
– Nevada County Government Center
– Lake Wildwood & Lake Wildwood Water Treatment Plants
– Alta Sierra Fire Department
Eastern County, you can put your tree near your curbside collection location, after you cut it into 3′ pieces and remove all decorations. Or drop off at several locations:
– Truckee Airport car rental lot
– Truckee High School soccer fields
– Legacy Trail parking lot
– Tahoe Donner Northwoods Clubhouse
For a full list of addresses and more info, visit

GV Library – New Adulting Program

Hey Millennials and Gen Zers!
Have you gone incognito to google things like “what’s a 1040” and “is my chicken cooked”? Find some answers at Grass Valley Library’s new monthly #ADULTING program!
Starting in January 2025, join us at 6pm on the first Monday of the month for FREE presentations by local experts on some of the tricky situations we face as 20- and 30-somethings. And we’ll provide the pizza!
2025 kicks off with “Figuring Out Your Personal Finances” on January 6, where you can learn about types of bank accounts, how to create a budget, and maybe even when to start thinking about saving for retirement. (Hint: you should probably already be thinking about it.)
For more information about the program, visit the events calendar online or call the Grass Valley Library at (530) 273-4117.
* Please note that presenters will be providing a general overview and will not offer individuals financial advice. *

Wild & Scenic Film Festival

We Need You Behind the Scenes at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival.

At a truly successful film festival, the audience is immersed in the experience and never thinks for a moment about how all the chairs, screens, microphones, drinks, and merchandise got there. It just appears when needed and disappears when it’s needed somewhere else, all because of amazing Venue Logistics and Tech Setup volunteers.
This is the festival’s biggest volunteer team, and we’d love to have you join us. Both these roles require an ability to carry sometimes heavy gear up and down stairs and load it in and out of vehicles. It also requires an ability to follow directions well. Anyone who has worked in shipping/delivery, fulfillment, theater production, catering, or as a roadie for a band will be fantastic at these jobs. If you don’t have experience but would like to learn, we can teach you. Sign up here:

If you have questions, please contact Emily Wilson at

Community Yoga Class

Community Yoga –
Community Yoga at Madelyn Helling Library is on holiday break! Class will resume on Saturday, January 11th.
This free class is suited for ages 16+. Bring a yoga mat if you own one and any other yoga props you may need. We will have a limited number of yoga mats available.
This scene is from the final yoga class of 2024: a special Winter Solstice-themed session.
Thank you to Grace Kendrick for bringing her wonderful skills and energy as a yoga teacher to the library!

Job Opportunity

Interfaith Food Ministry

Two AmeriCorps VISTA Positions

AmeriCorps VISTA is a federal program that provides needed resources to nonprofit organizations and public agencies to increase their capacity to lift communities out of poverty. Learn more here.

Interfaith Food Ministry will be hosting TWO VISTA members for a term of service starting on 2/10/2025 and ending on 2/9/2026. VISTA members serve for 40 hours per week for those 12 months. VISTA members earn a Living Allowance paycheck from AmeriCorps of $877.66 every two weeks during service, and then can choose between an Education Award of about $7,400 OR a cash stipend of about $3,000 upon successful completion of their term of service.

IFM has chosen to supplement with two additional benefits:

  • A housing stipend of $200 per month (paid directly to the VISTA member’s landlord / property management).
  • ​A cell phone reimbursement of $50 per month.

Review positions below.

Operations and Admin Project Coordinator

Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator

Applications accepted until 12/31/2024. For more information, click HERE.

Interfaith Food Ministry works to reduce food insecurity in Nevada County. We feed the hungry, helping to sustain good health and human dignity. The Vision is a community where no one ever feels the hurt of hunger.

To learn more about Interfaith Food Ministry visit their website at