CSN-CAPC thanks the many agencies and non-profit organization in Nevada County that work year-round to help children that have been abused, to intervene with those at risk, and most importantly, to strengthen families to prevent child abuse.
Those of you not involved in this effort and that wish to be:
- Start by learning how to recognize the signs of abuse and the Protective Factors
- Assist a stressed family caused by loss of job, housing, transportation, and/or other supports
- Volunteer with or donate to one of our local organizations.
For more information:
- Visit: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/
- Email CSN-CAPC: csnncorg@gmail.com
On April 9th, the Board of Supervisors approved a resolution recognizing April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Nevada County.