Volunteer for Hospitality House!

NEEDED: Volunteer Cook Groups!!
Over 79,344 meals were prepared and served in the shelter kitchen over the last fiscal year. Culinary Specialist, Brian Bliss, and our handful of volunteer cook groups are our superheroes for keeping up with increasing demand, but we need more help! Please consider creating a cook group to prepare and serve one meal a month at the shelter.
Here’s how cook groups work: Your team will consist of 4-5 members who are ServSafe Food Handler certified. ServSafe certification simply requires a 2-hour, online course which costs only $15 (Hospitality House is happy to reimburse as requested.) Your cook group will designate a leader to stay in contact with the volunteer department at Hospitality House. Then, together, you’ll decide upon a menu and recurring schedule.
Hospitality House serves an average of 70 guests per dinner. Cook groups are free to be creative when it comes to the menu. Some groups prepare the same dish every time they come in; other groups like to try new recipes every time.
Teams come into the shelter with their ingredients at 1pm to begin cooking. We request that the meal be ready at 4:30pm and dinner is served at the shelter at 5pm. Most teams enjoy serving, as it’s their opportunity to interact with guests. Clean-up is done in collaboration with Hospitality House’s shelter caretakers.
Hospitality House’s Volunteer Department will guide you through the process to make certification and onboarding as easy as possible and, if you’re a PatchWorks Member, your monthly volunteer hours will be recorded and count toward BriarPatch discounts.
To organize a cook team, please begin by filling out a volunteer application here. We can’t wait to see your smiling faces in the kitchen at Utah’s Place!
Questions? Call us at (530) 615-0852 or email us at info@hhshelter.org.
Ready to fill out an application? Visit volgistics.com/appform/828772767