Lead Week

Lead Week is a national annual campaign during the last full week of October to bring awareness to and prevent childhood lead exposure. This year, Lead Week takes place October 22–28 and California’s theme i​s, “Protect your family from all sources of lead air pollution, including aircraft and shooting ranges.” 

Register for the Lead Week 2023 webinars to learn about lead air pollution and how to keep families safe. Sessions will be held from October 23-27. Registration is free and open to all:


Regístrate en los webinarios de la Semana del Plomo 2023 para informarte sobre la polución del aire con plomo y cómo mantener a las familias seguras. Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo del 23 al 27 de octubre. La inscripción es gratis y abierta para todoshttps://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CCDPHP/DEODC/CLPPB/Pages/LeadWeek2023.aspx