Ride-Sharing Sexual Assault Safety Guide

Educate yourself on the Importance of Ride- Sharing Safety!

In the past years, ride-sharing apps have exploded in use and popularity. However, with the influx of this technology, ride-sharing apps have created a perfect environment for sexual predators to prey on unassuming individuals. This comprehensive guide discusses the prevalence of sexual assault in rideshare apps, lawsuits and legal action against major ride-sharing platforms, and safety measures that Lyft and Uber passengers can take to avoid unwanted sexual contact.

With the advent of ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft, the environment for sexual assault happening is ripe in these rides, especially at schools and campuses. There have been many cases, some especially tragic. For this reason, we have decided to make a comprehensive guide about sexual assault in ride sharing services where we included info about how students can stay safe and options in case it happens.

Helpful Information to Keep You Safe as a Ride-Sharing Passenger:

Click here to continue learning about important ways to stay safe with Ride-Sharing.